Visual Art - Curriculum Online
The curriculum sets out clear expectations for students, across the three integrated strands of Art, Craft and Design. To access the curriculum specification, assessment guidelines, examples of student work as well as the Junior Certificate Art, Craft, Design syllabus, which will end in 2019, click on the graphic.
Visual Art at junior cycle aims to provide the student with a set of personal attitudes and qualities as well as skills and processes and a sense of the aesthetic. Through practical engagement in the areas of art, craft and design students will develop self …
Examples of CBA 1 work - Curriculum Online
Students chose a theme from the three options (Hidden treasures/Light and shade/My viewpoint) and worked from a primary source that was based on that theme. The students designed and realised a repeat-pattern composition on A2 paper or fabric.
Junior Cycle Visual Art: CBA 2 Example of Student Work 05 This Classroom-Based Assessment was created in the school year 2021-22 and was guided by what was deemed practical and safe at the time in line with public health advice.
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Visual Art - jct.ie
Students will develop the knowledge, skills and understanding necessary to produce and to engage with authentic and original art, craft and design work. In so doing, they will begin to develop the visual literacy, critical skills and language …
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Visual Art - JCT
Art or fine art is the expression of crea ve skill in a visual form. It emphasises ideas, feelings and visual quali es through imagina ve and/or technical skill. Apart from the crea on of artworks, fine art also encompasses the study of art through apprecia on and cri cal discussion.
Junior Certificate Syllabuses and Prescribed Material
Dec 4, 2019 · Science - Junior Certificate - Draft Appendix 1 - Sample pro forma booklet for the assessment of coursework (Set investigations)
1.12 apply their understanding of the art elements and design principles to make an artwork. 2.12 justify the choice of art elements and design principles in their own or others’ craftwork. 3.12 assess their own and others’ design work using their knowledge of art elements and design principles. Department of Educa0on and Skills. (2016).
A fundamental part of the aim of the Visual Art specification is that students will experience the authentic visual art processes of imagining, investigating, experimenting, making, displaying and evaluating. Four important and interlinked aspects of achieving this …
3rd Years - Ms. Maguire's Artroom
Sep 29, 2017 · We are starting the Junior Cert project with the print section. Red Group - you will all do Lino. Yellow group - as you did both lino and Drypoint last year you can chose your favourite.