Timing Hop Additions | Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead,
Jan 11, 2015 · For IPAs and other highly aromatic and pleasantly hop-flavored beers, heavy whirlpool and dryhop additions are key. This is where you will get the most pleasant hop flavor and hop aroma. Middle additions are not the point of heightened "hop flavor". In reality, the more you focus on the flameout/whirlpool/dryhop, the more outstanding overall ...
Hop Wine | Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing …
Aug 30, 2005 · Hop Wine 3oz Hops 1oz Ginger (Bruised) 1 UK Gal (4.5Ltr) Water 8oz Raisins (Chopped) 2.5lb Sugar 2tsp Citric Acid Yeast and Nutrient Bring water to the boil, add hops and ginger and simmer for an hour. Strain the hot liquid onto the raisins and sugar, stir until the sugar dissolves. Leave to cool. Add the citric acid, yeast and nutrient.
Hop baskets | Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider …
Aug 19, 2019 · I use a 4" hop cylinder that hangs over the rim of my BK when I'm using more than a few ounces of hops. I always put my brew spoon in the BK with my IC chiller near the end of the boil to sterilize so I can stir the wort during cooling. Then I can also use the spoon to scrape the inside of my hop cylinder so it drains faster.
Anyone brew with hop hash? - Homebrew Talk
May 6, 2016 · Dry hop however was awesome, even five weeks into the keg. Also.....I did a split batch of an APA. 3 oz dry hop with cascade for one , 1oz Idaho 7 on the other. Wow both were great, but the #7 was excellent and next time I'm leaving out the late boil additions because the hop hash dominates everything else in flavor and aroma.
Hop substitution for Nugget - Homebrew Talk
Jan 12, 2012 · For a flavor match, you want a hop with stone fruit focus, like Glacier or Palisades. Problem is, their AA% are way less than Nugget and they can also be fruitier with less herbal focus. So a blend of US Northern Brewer + Glacier or Palisades would probably be your best bet.
Dry hop creep / Diacetyl in IPA - Homebrew Talk
May 1, 2020 · I then dry hop in the primary with loose pellet hops during the D-rest. Normally around 6g/l (1 ounce per gallon) finished beer. I let the hops sit for 3-4 days then package the beer. All beer gets over carbonated, and tastes like diacetyl Method 2: I "dry hop" using a french press, making a hop tea, and add to the bottling bucket prior to ...
Dry Hopping - optimal time? - Homebrew Talk
Jan 7, 2022 · Dry hop using a hop bag so it's easier to remove. Don't use a hop bag as you are adding something to the wort which may produce contamination. Don't use a hop bag it stops the flavors from getting into the beer. Add dry hops when …
DIY Hop Canon | Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider …
Apr 25, 2015 · Hop cannons are used by some brewers to inject hops into the fermenter using CO2, so as not to introduce any oxygen. Remember BYO had something about it a while back. Not so much about hop cannons, but more why O2 is the enemy, and how it's important to avoid introducing it at any stage after fermentation.
Dry Hop Testing with Bud Light - Homebrew Talk
Nov 7, 2013 · The idea would be to santize each keg, add hops (probably in a hop bag), do a keg to keg transfer from the source keg to the target (of say 1/2 gallon), top off each target with co2 and then let it sit for a week or so to dry hop (just like you do for a normal dry hop).
Which mesh size for hop spider? - Homebrew Talk
Mar 6, 2014 · I did a NEIPA with lots of pellet hops in my Arbor Fab 6"x14" hop basket with 300 micron screen. I added most of the hops for 2 late additions after flameout with my pump whirl pooling. Even with the WP arm directly shooting into the hop basket, there was minimal movement in the basket.