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  1. Take a Look at 8 Skinks in Texas (Pictures) - Wildlife …

    • Scientific Name: Plestiodon fasciatus The Five-lined skinkis a common site in Eastern Texas. As the name suggests, these skinks have five white or yellow lines running along their backs. These stripes ar… See more

    Great Plains Skink

    Scientific Name: Plestiodon obsoletus The Great Plains skinkcan be found in Central and Western Texas. On average, this skink grows to be around 9 inches long, but some adults can r… See more

    Wildlife Informer
    Many-Lined Skink

    Scientific Name: Plestiodon multivirgatus The Many-linked skink, also known as the variable skink, can be found in Western Texas. They prefer to live in higher elevations i… See more

    Wildlife Informer
    Coal Skink

    Scientific Name: Plestiodon anthracinus The Coal skink, another skink species found in Texas, is known for its small size, measuring between 3 and 5 inches in length. The… See more

    Wildlife Informer