Get a list from Pandas DataFrame column headers
Create a list of keys/columns - object method to_list() and the Pythonic way: my_dataframe.keys().to_list() list(my_dataframe.keys()) Basic iteration on a DataFrame returns column labels: [column for column in my_dataframe] Do not convert a DataFrame into a list, just to get the column labels.
Access and preserve list names in lapply function
Feb 28, 2012 · Building on joran's answer, and precising it: The sapply(USE.NAMES=T) wrapper will indeed set as names of the final result the values of the vector you are iterating over (and not its names attribute like lapply), but only if these are characters.
Naming list elements in R - Stack Overflow
Jul 28, 2016 · However, the reason that your second approach (names(filList[i]) <- ) does not work is NOT that "you create a unbound temporary variable whose names you change but which never matters since its just a temporary variable" but rather that the default sub-setting assignment operator [<-does not transfer names (which makes sense since names are ...
r - Rename list items - Stack Overflow
To only edit certain entries in the list, specify an index: names(l)[1] <- "new_name" l # $`new_name` # [1] 123123 12123 123123 # # $`2015` # [1] 123123 12123 123123 If you'd like to know more about the different data types in R, I can recommend Hadley Wickham's summary.
python - Get the name of a list - Stack Overflow
May 17, 2017 · But the object (the [1, 2, 3] list) is still existing, but because it was wrapped in another list it's doesn't even have a "name" anymore. Just the outer list could have a name when the returned value was stored in a variable.
ip - List ALL devices on local network? - Stack Overflow
Jun 4, 2015 · To generate a list with a Windows CMD .bat file to ping devices on the network, do the following. Create a .bat file with a loop that uses the ping command to send a ping to each of the possible usable addresses on your network. I use the -a and -n 1 options on the ping command to send a single ping, -n 1, with a request to give me the hostname.
Command to list all files in a folder as well as sub-folders in windows
Mar 11, 2015 · To print specific file present in the folders/sub-folders for eg : If you want to list just the csv files then : dir /b/s/A-D/o:gn *.csv >list.txt If you want to also include .xlsx files then the code is : dir /b/s/A-D/o:gn *.csv *.xlsx >list.txt You can mention more file types in the same way. P.S Got to know this one from chatgpt :P
Quick way to list all files in Amazon S3 bucket?
Jul 26, 2010 · This command will give you a list of all top-level objects inside an AWS S3 bucket: aws s3 ls bucket-name. This command will give you a list of ALL objects inside an AWS S3 bucket: aws s3 ls bucket-name --recursive. This command will place a list of ALL inside an AWS S3 bucket... inside a text file in your current directory:
How to get a list of member names from Enum? - Stack Overflow
Aug 9, 2010 · In the general case, I see little harm in displaying enum value names to the user, especially names conforming to the C# naming standards (CamelCase). The integer values corresponding to those names are probably not a good idea to display, and full information based on the enum value would probably be preferable, but I don't see harm in it.
Use powershell to get device names and their ipaddress on a …
Jan 21, 2017 · This question arises from trying to manage my home wifi network. I've been toying with commands such as get-netipaddress, ipconfig and nslookup.exe. The following command has kind of led me somewh...