To Serve Man (The Twilight Zone) - Wikipedia
Humans soon begin volunteering to travel to the Kanamits' home planet, which is described as a paradise, and the Kanamits set up embassies in every country on Earth and weigh all passengers boarding their ships.
"The Twilight Zone" To Serve Man (TV Episode 1962) - IMDb
All of the nine-foot-tall Kanamits are played by the same actor - 7'2" tall Richard Kiel. This is most apparent at the end, when two identical Kanamits stand near the spaceship in a split screen effect.
Kanamits | The Twilight Zone Wiki | Fandom
The Kanamits are an alien race that serve as the antagonists of The Twilight Zone episode "To Serve Man". They appear initially as benevolent beings who have come to uplift the human species for no reward beyond personal moral satisfaction.
To Serve Man - The Twilight Zone Wiki
With their superior technology, they teach man how to end famine, harness energy and lay down their guns. The title of a Kanamit book left at the UN seems to say it all—translated it reads: "To Serve Man."
The Twilight Zone (1959) S3E24: "To Serve Man" - TV Tropes
To Serve Man. The Twilight Zone episode "To Serve Man" ends with the alien race known as the Kanamit being revealed to have made Earth a paradise so they can use humanity as their livestock, with them taking Michael Chambers aboard their vessel so he can be consumed on their homeworld.
Kanamits - Twilight Zone - To Serve Man - Species profile
A short profile of the Kanamit alien species that appears in the most famous Twilight Zone episode, To Serve Man. Photos, quotes, known facts, etc.
Kanamits - Villains Wiki
The Kanamits are an alien race that serves as the antagonists of The Twilight Zone episode "To Serve Man" and the short story of the same name by Damon Knight. They appear initially as benevolent beings who have come to uplift the human species for no reward beyond personal moral satisfaction.
To Serve Man (The Twilight Zone) - Wikiwand
Humans soon begin volunteering to travel to the Kanamits' home planet, which is described as a paradise, and the Kanamits set up embassies in every country on Earth and weigh all passengers boarding their ships.
The Twilight Zone (1959) S3E24: "To Serve Man" - TV Tropes
Recycled Set: The Kanamit ship was first used in Forbidden Planet. Scully Box: Used to make the already huge Richard Kiel seem inhumanly tall. Uncredited Role: An uncredited Joseph Ruskin (not Vincent Price, as is sometimes believed) dubs the voice of the Kanamits.
"The Twilight Zone" To Serve Man (TV Episode 1962) - IMDb
As Chambers prepares to take a trip to the Kanamit's home planet, his assistant concentrates her efforts at deciphering the information contained in the Kanamit book left behind. As Chambers boards a saucer in New York, his assistant rushes to him but is stopped by one of the Kanamits.