Hibiscus Care - Hibiscus Doctor - Hidden Valley Hibiscus
Exotic hibiscus sales, hibiscus care, and hibiscus cultivation. The most extensive site on the web about hibiscus, we sell exotic hibiscus plants for indoor and outdoor growing.
Hidden Valley Hibiscus - Sun & Light Needs of Hibiscus
To avoid this situation try introducing your new hibiscus to direct sunlight for just an hour the first day, and then increasing the exposure gradually over a week or two. Hibiscus quickly adapt to …
Potting & Planting Hibiscus - Hidden Valley Hibiscus
Hibiscus prefer a light fertilizing on a frequent schedule, so if you have time to fertilize every time you water, this is the best possible way to keep hibiscus in small pots happy. Use 1/2 the dose …
Hidden Valley Hibiscus ~ Hibiscus Care
Hibiscus can survive temperatures even as high as 115°F (46°C), provided they have adequate water. When the weather is hot, it is best to maintain a steady supply of water to the plant, …
Hibiscus Feeding & Fertilizing - Hidden Valley Hibiscus
Hibiscus don't like to ever dry out completely anyway, so if you have a good watering regime, you shouldn't ever have to worry about the soil being too dry to fertilize. During the winter months …
Hidden Valley Hibiscus ~ Hibiscus Pigments ~ Why do Hibiscus …
Hibiscus flower colors, like the colors of most flowers and fruits, are made up of three basic pigment groups: carotenoids and two types of flavanoids - anthocyanins and flavonols. While …
Hidden Valley Hibiscus - Wintering Tropical Hibiscus
The place where hibiscus can stay warm without any extra cost is in your house. Although hibiscus are considered outdoor plants in the United States, in many parts of the world they …
Hibiscus Care - Common Mistakes - Hidden Valley Hibiscus
Hibiscus should NEVER be transplanted under any of these circumstances. After any kind of stressful situation, give hibiscus the safety of their nice, comfortable, familiar pots until the …
Are Hibiscus Edible? - Hidden Valley Hibiscus
Hibiscus flowers are traditionally used for tea in Asia and the Nile Valley area of Africa. Many hibiscus teas are made from a different species of hibiscus, called Hibiscus sabdiriffa, but …
Hidden Valley Hibiscus - Fungus Gnats & Shoreflies
Hibiscus Plant Care Fungus Gnats & Shoreflies There are little bugs flying around my indoor hibiscus! If you have ever grown plants indoors, or in a cooler climate, you have almost …