Cane rat - Wikipedia
The genus Thryonomys, also known as the cane rats or grasscutters, is a genus of rodent found throughout Africa south of the Sahara, the only members of the family Thryonomyidae. [ 1 ] . They are eaten in some African countries and are a pest species on many crops. [ 2 ] .
Greater cane rat - Wikipedia
The greater cane rat (Thryonomys swinderianus), also known as the grasscutter (in Ghana, Nigeria and other regions of West Africa), is one of two species of cane rats, a small family of African hystricognath rodents. [2] . It lives by reed-beds and riverbanks in Sub-Saharan Africa. A male greater cane rat in captive breeding program in Gabon.
The Grasscutter I: A Livestock of Tomorrow - Science Alert
Mar 18, 2010 · The grasscutter (Thryonomys swinderianus), variously known as the marsh cane-rat, ground hog and in francophone West Africa, the aulacode or incorrectly, the agouti is a rodent but not a rat proper, since it belongs to the Hystricomorpha (porcupine family).
The grasscutter shows why it is hard to stop bushmeat hunting
Aug 31, 2017 · Grasscutter meat is a delicacy in the country’s cities and a part of rural diets. Digested grass found in its stomach is also said to make delicious soups. Most grasscutter meat still comes from...
Greater Cane Rat - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on ...
In Ghana, Nigeria, and other regions of West Africa, Greater cane rats are often called grasscutters for their habit to cut grass with the upper incisors which also creates a distinct tooth-chattering sound.
The animals were observed to be present in primary and secondary forest adjacent to major plantings especially in new oil palm planting (Hopf et al, 1976). In suitable habitat, they are quite common and their presence is usually revealed by the 45. 0. cut on grass stem, by their characteristic feacal pellets scattered on the ground besides
A study of scientific publications on the greater cane rat
The GCR is commonly referred to in Nigeria as “oya” in the Yoruba parlance, “nchi” by the Igbos, “Gegbi” by the Hausas, “agouti” by French‐speaking Africans, “grasscutter” in West Anglophone Africa, and “hedgehog” in Central Africa.10 They are predominantly found in the humid and sub‐humid regions of Africa, from the ...
Cane Rat Animal Facts - A-Z Animals
May 27, 2024 · Also known as grasscutters, cane rats are large rodents in the family Thryonomyidae. These giant rodents can measure up to 24 inches long and weigh in excess of 22 pounds. This rodent live throughout sub-Saharan Africa, particularly in …
Cane Rats: Thryonomyidae - Behavior And Reproduction - Grass ...
Cane rats earned their African nickname of "grass cutter" because of their method of eating: after using their powerful incisors to cut grasses at their base, the animals take the bunch of grass in their forefeet, sit upright on their haunches, and begin to feed the grass into their mouths slowly, cutting it up into small bits.
19 Grasscutter | Microlivestock: Little-Known Small Animals ...
19 Grasscutter The grasscutter~ (Thryonomys swinderianus and Thryonomys gregorianus) is found in many forests and savannas of Africa. Its meat, said to resemble suckling pig, often sells for more per kilogram than chicken, beef, pork, or lamb. It is the preferred, and perhaps most expensive, meat in West Africa.