Brian, Stewie and Vinny dressed up for a funeral by ... - DeviantArt
Apr 22, 2015 · Well, here's our trio dressed up, looking down sadly. Why? They're at a funeral. The only character who's wearing a different colored tie is Vinny; he prefers to wear a tie that matches the color of his collar. Note: , and are copyright of Seth MacFarlane and FOX as is Family Guy. Join the community to add your comment. Already a deviant? Log In.
In a Time Without Stewie Chapter 10, a family guy fanfic
Stewie and Brian were sitting near the tree. "It's from me, Brian," Stewie said, handing his present to the dog. "Merry Christmas." Brian opened the gift. It was a crayon drawing Stewie drew of himself, Brian and Vinny, with the words "Friends Forever" written on top. "Stewie," Brian began. "It's wonderful. Thank you."
Brian and Vinny sitting and looking at each other by ... - DeviantArt
Feb 5, 2015 · DecaTilde on DeviantArt https://www.deviantart.com/decatilde/art/Brian-and-Vinny-sitting-and-looking-at-each-other-511825575 DecaTilde
Does anyone feel like Vinny wasn't even given a chance? I'm
I remember I wanted Brian back when it happened, but still thought they could have at least given him a main focus story once. I'm sure a Stewie and Vinnie story would have worked just fine. What do you guys think?
Life of Brian/Quotes | Family Guy Wiki | Fandom
Vinny: Look, Stewie, I know it doesn't seem like it now, but you're gonna be okay. Stewie: Yeah, right! How do you know? Vinny: Because, I once had a thing, ih, happen to me with some stuff. Stewie: Really? That's what's happening to me! Stuff! Vinny: Y'know, before you guys found me in the shop, I lived with an old man named Leo. It was just ...
I would have loved if Vinny and Brian met, sadly they didn’t ... - Reddit
Dec 23, 2022 · Vinny has never even met stewie because of time travel. Yeah, there's a joke in a later episode where Vinny shows up on stage as a replacement for Brian on a singing dog act with whats-her-name.
Life of Brian - Family Guy Wiki
Tired of their close calls, Stewie destroys his time machine and crushes the remains at the junkyard. While there, they find a street hockey net and take it home for exercise. Setting it up, Brian is hit and crushed by a car. At the vet's office, Brian is near death and the family says their goodbyes. Brian recovers enough to express his love ...
Vinny Saves Brian, a family guy fanfic | FanFiction
As soon as Brian turned his head in confusion, before the car could hit him, Vinny leapt, pushing Brian out of the way to the other sidewalk, leaving only the net and hockey sticks to be run over. Stewie gasped in surprise and rushed to his now-saved friend.
Family Guy – Life of Brian - Genius
Nov 24, 2013 · Title: Life of Brian [Stewie and Brian are screaming while running down the street being chased by some Native Americans] Stewie: Hurry, Brian. They're gaining on us!
Brian and Vinny (intro pose) by DecaTilde on DeviantArt
Aug 26, 2014 · Looks like both Griffin Dogs are posing for the intro. They should make room for Stewie in the middle, though. Brian is traced, colored and modified with Inkscape from the intro …