Welcome to the ARK, PS4 Survivors! - ARK News - ARK - Official ...
Dec 6, 2016 · The ARK: Survivor’s Pack gives PS4 players an up-to-date version of ARK: Survival Evolved that includes the previously released content, plus Scorched Earth -- ARK’s first Expansion Pack. The Survivor’s Pack adds extra PS4 content including a Bionic Giganotosaurus skin plus an entire Manticore armour set for male and female characters.
PlayStation Patch Notes: Client v716.1 - Server v716.3 (Updated
Mar 27, 2017 · Current ARK Official PS4 Server Network Servers Version: v716.1 Current ARK Official Client Version: v716.1 v716.3 - 09/29/2023 - Minor version for servers Evolved Sequence Completed : Ascension Imminent : ARK Survival Ascended Respawn Timer Initiated : Recharge Mode Engaged : Sleep well, Survivo...
Mods For All Consoles - ARK - Official Community Forums
Aug 2, 2020 · Mods for ARK Console Editions Dear Studio Wildcard, Even if I love ARK,I have to say that its quite boring to play it on console.And because I don't have a PC,that's good enough to play ARK,I have to use a PS4 to play that cool game.I wish there was a way to mod the game on consoles,so that we ca...
Remove or Increase Tether on PS4/PS5 - ARK - Official Community …
Mar 1, 2020 · Making the tether distance further - I play single player (preferably) and sometimes my sister also joins me on split screen (ps4) the only problem is when we play, the tether distance doesn’t allow us to stray far away from each other and can make playing the game very difficult, so my suggestion is to either completely remove the tether distance or make a …
How to PS4 -> PC? - ARK - Official Community Forums
May 4, 2021 · Hello! So I got the full game, all expansions on PS4. Me and my GF has been like obsessed with ARK and we've played A LOT during the pandemic. No need to tell you guys we're excited for Genesis Part 2. Now I got my GF a pc and we're curious to how the game would be on pc; no tether, full screen f...
Closed. Ark: Survival Evolved Official Servers
Apr 2, 2023 · Official Servers: With the launch of ASA at the end of August, we will be taking down all Official Servers on Xbox, PlayStation, and PC for ARK: Survival Evolved – at that time, the final save-datas from the ARK: Survival Evolved Official Servers will be uploaded for players to re-host on their own servers or play in singleplayer/non-dedi, as ...
ARK: Survival Evolved Stomps onto the PlayStation 4!
Nov 30, 2016 · The ARK: Survivor’s Pack gives PS4 players an up-to-date version of ARK: Survival Evolved that includes the previously released content, plus Scorched Earth -- ARK’s first Expansion Pack. The Survivor’s Pack adds extra PS4 content including a Bionic Giganotosaurus skin plus an entire Manticore armour set for male and female characters.
PC VS PS4? - General Discussion - ARK - ARK - Official Community …
Oct 22, 2017 · PC, consoles just aren't powerful enough to run Ark. You'll need a proper gaming rig with at least an i5, 8 gig ram 100 gigs Hard drive space and a powerful graphics card. If I were buying today I'd aim at a GTX 1060 Minimum.
PS4 ARK Server List - Find new players with us
Dec 5, 2016 · Hi folks, As we did it already when the Xbox version of ARK was released, we have done the same for the PS4 release. We will provide you the first PS4 ARK Server List for your private/player dedicated servers.
How do I switch to third person on PS4 : r/ARK - Reddit
Apr 22, 2020 · Welcome to the Ark: Survival Evolved and Ark: Survival Ascended Subreddit Members Online So I think the 50,50 bug has persisted through Scorched Earth now