Blueberry - Official Scrap Mechanic Wiki
Blueberry is a food item in Scrap Mechanic. Blueberries restore a substantial amount of Hunger and Thirst. Blueberries are dropped by Damaged Crates and can be found in Ruin Chests.
Blueberry Seed - Official Scrap Mechanic Wiki
Blueberry Seed is an item required for growing Blueberries. See Farming. Blueberry Seeds are dropped from Golden Damaged Crates and can be traded for 3 Redbeet Crates. 0.4.0 Added Blueberry Seed.
Where can I pack blueberries and oranges? :: Scrap Mechanic …
Yeah, there are 2 stations. One is closer that has the basic crops like carrots and tomato but then there is a further one for more advanced crops like blueberry/pineapple. Just need to go explore more. Hello! I gathered all the fruits I needed but I don't know where to pack blueberries and oranges! Can someone help me? Please!
Scrap Mechanic | Episode 7 | Farming Blueberries and Oranges
SkapeGote is back in Scrap Mechanic. We farming to work toward a spud gun. Had to cut it a bit short because work called me in but we are getting there.Join ...
Where do you get orange and blueberry seeds, as well as that …
As for the captured trader, they are placed randomly, generally on hills, look for a large torn tent-like structure. You can't open the cages, you have whack them around and vehicle transport them. Originally posted by Grimm Liberty: more rare seeds? Trader and sometime rare loot. Pineapple seeds in the Warehouse, I think?
Any tips for farming? :: Scrap Mechanic General Discussions
May 26, 2021 · Banana, Orange, and Blueberry have value of 2 if total farm value is 10 or more, you will get a raid. A wall really only needs to be at the third and 5th block level from the ground, and that will let you attack through the gap between.
Survival Progression Recommendations : r/ScrapMechanic
May 21, 2020 · Talk to the trader, and buy banana, blueberry, and orange seeds. Plant those, and pack those at the fruit packing station. (further down the road from the veggie packing station.)
Trading - Official Scrap Mechanic Wiki
Trading is the act of exchanging Produce Crates and Caged Farmers for items in Scrap Mechanic Survival Mode. Trading is done at the Farmers Hideout located behind the Vegetable Packing Station in an area surrounded by mountains.
Scrap Mechanic How Raids Work (Crop Value And Raid Level)
May 13, 2020 · In Scrap Mechanic, if you farm crops you'll get raids, and each crop has a specified value that is used to define the raid level, all the values in a certain area will then be added to get the total crop value.
where to buy blue berries and oranges : r/ScrapMechanic - Reddit
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