フランス国立統計経済研究所(INSEE)が15日発表した9月の欧州連合(EU)基準の消費者物価指数(CPI)改定値は前年同月比1.4%上昇し、2021年初頭以来の低い伸びとなった。欧州中央銀行(ECB)が今週利下げを実施するとの観測が一段と強まりそう ...
[シンガポール/上海15日 ロイター] - 中国株式市場は大幅反落して引けた。1週間前に株価を数年ぶりの高値に押し上げた買いの勢いは失速し、中国政府の景気刺激策がいつどこに向けられるかを見極めようと投資家は慎重になっている。 上海総合指数(.SSEC ...
米独の10年債利回り格差は7月以来最大となる約183ベーシスポイント(bp)に拡大した。ゴールドマン・サックスは200bpまで拡大する可能性を指摘。ブラックロックの欧州ファンダメンタル債券部門共同責任者サイモン・ブランデル氏は「こうした市場力学はまだ ...
Supantha leads the European Technology and Telecoms coverage, with a special focus on emerging technologies such as AI and 5G ...
October has been bone-dry across the U.S. Corn Belt, leading all 11 Crop Watch producers to once again report strong harvest ...
Demand for bank loans across the 20-nation euro zone rose in the third quarter and a further increase is expected in the ...
Europe must cancel its plan to ban new fossil fuel-emitting cars from 2035 to reduce reliance on China's battery supply chain ...
China said its day of war games around democratically governed Taiwan on Monday was a warning against "separatist acts" and ...
Starlink boss Elon Musk said a move by India to auction satellite broadband spectrum, and not allocate it, would be ...
Italy is preparing to test the use of satellites produced by Elon Musk's Starlink to offer internet connection services in some remote areas of the country, a government official was quoted as saying ...
Italy's cabinet will meet late on Tuesday to approve Rome's 2025 budget, amid tensions within the ruling parties over a ...
China's economy is likely to expand 4.8% in 2024, undershooting the government's target, and growth could cool further to 4.5% in 2025, a Reuters poll showed, maintaining the pressure on policymakers ...