The latest draconian decree issued by the Taliban on Monday was a gradual media ban on all images of living things in news coverage. Repression of the media and civil rights may be even harsher under ...
In a remarkable interview, a censor for one of China’s biggest search engines described what gets deleted from the Chinese internet and how—as well as their perspective on the morality of their work.
"Harbinger of History: Past Promises of the Chinese Communist Party" (历史的先声——中国共产党曾经的承诺), edited by Xiao Shu, is a compilation and analysis of pro-democracy ...
子衿未眠:这个事情太荒诞了!大家都不要被带偏了,应该要追问的是为什么员工擅自离岗16年,中间有多少人失职,离岗这么多年是不是一直在吃空饷,这些离岗人员入职是否违规和暗箱操作,离岗时间浪费了纳税人多少钱。。。这些才是这个新闻事件的本质啊 ...
十年前,《国家为什么会失败:权力、繁荣和贫穷的根源》曾在中国拥有大量读者。这本书认为,政治领域和政治领域均存在包容性制度(inclusive institutions)和攫取性制度 (extractive ...
铁饭碗16年也生锈了,这是不锈钢饭碗。 在警方逮捕“造谣”西安下雪的女子之后,西安气象台专门出来辟谣称:目前是以中到大雨为主,部分地方 ...
天时2:9月25日的一则官方文件,说是“将引导资金、技术、劳动密集型产业从东部向中西部、从中心城市向腹地有序转移”。 而且还是在西部,地价并不高的地方,几百万乃至上千万的拆迁款,还送社保什么的,明显有违《国家赔偿法》的相关规定和精神。
Two years after Peng Lifa’s courageous one-man protest on Beijing’s Sitong Bridge against Xi Jinping and the CCP’s autocratic ...
In December 2023, we published a revised edition of the Lexicon as an eBook, which includes updated entries for 104 of the most salient terms we have collected over the past 20 years. Please ...