Former India player Aakash Chopra has picked his Test team of 2024. India and England, with three players each, have the maximum representation in his chosen side.
She began dating Prince Harry in 2016 and the couple announced their engagement in November 2017. She married the Prince at St George's Chapel in Windsor in May 2018, becoming the Duchess of ...
Agreed statements of facts have been filed for two teenagers awaiting sentencing for manslaughter in the fatal stabbing of a 16-year-old boy in a parking garage at Halifax Shopping Centre last spring.
MSC Meraviglia is spending an extra night in Port Canaveral, Florida, and skipping its planned call on Ocean Cay, Bahamas, due to bad weather.
The traditional carnival-like "Ragoutsaria" celebration is wrapping up today, January 8, in the city of Kastoria, northern Greece, seeing locals donning colorful costumes and dancing in the streets of ...