The Bombay High Court on Wednesday, January 8, granted bail to Rona Wilson and Sudhir Dhawale, accused in the 2018 Bhima Koregaon violence case. They were booke ...
The Bombay High Court granted bail to Rona Wilson and Sudhir Dhawale, accused in the Elgar Parishad Maoist Links case, due to ...
In a major relief for researcher Rona Wilson and activist Sudhir Dhawale, the Bombay High Court on Wednesday (January 8) ...
The Bombay High Court has granted bail to Rona Wilson and Sudhir Dhawale, two accused in the 2018 Bhima Koregaon violence ...
A bench of Justices Ajay Gadkari and Kamal Khata noted the fact that the two have spent more than six years in jail as ...
The Bombay High Court on Wednesday granted bail to researcher Rona Wilson and activist Sudhir Dhawale in the Elgar Parishad ...
The police had also arrested other prominent activists such as Sudha Bharadwaj, Gautam Navlakha, Vernon Gonsalves, Arun ...
Chikkamagaluru prohibits liquor sales on January 8 for Bhima Koregaon celebrations to maintain public order during the event.
Union Minister Ramdas Athawale mentioned requesting the government to allocate ₹200 crore for the expansion of the ...
MUMBAI: NIA court grants temporary bail to activist Mahesh Raut for law exam, requiring him to provide address and phone number, surrender post-exam.
Yet, the case against the 'Bhima Koregaon 16', which is based on exactly this alleged connection, continues, and seven of the accused continue to be behind bars under the UAPA, explains Jyoti Punwani.