Raise the stakes! If you and your friends are competitive, raising the stakes for bets you place or games you play with each ...
Cat: So your friend doesn’t feel appreciated? Here’s how you can let them know that isn’t true. 1: Buy or make them a gift. 2: Write a poem or a card. Express your appreciation on paper.
Maya Angelou, an influential visual poet, and civil rights activist, remains a cornerstone in Black history. Her work inspires courage, resilience, and to be proud of your culture. This legacy makes ...
Armen Davoudian combined Persian and Armenian culture with English to reflect on life abroad and in the United States during ...
Following the success of its first poetry slam, Anton Art Center will host a second event geared around Valentine’s Day ...
Check out funny roses are red, violets blue jokes, poems, and memes. The posts lists jokes you can use as pick up lines or conversation starters.
We share 5 top tips to help you take your poetry to the next level, with advice from award-winning poet and UAL Short Courses ...
Karen Skinazi, Ph.D. is Associate Professor of Literature and Culture and the director of Liberal Arts at the University of ...
These thoughts can play out in odd, quirky little rhymes that don’t rhyme well or make much sense, but they lock my brain on a snapshot of time, like… If you are like me, we recreate memories ...
We’re right in the midst of Award Show Season, and the 97th Academy Awards (scheduled for March 2) are rapidly approaching.
Tyler, the Creator's See You Again took ... doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it other than they suddenly feel relevant to someone in a way that other people appreciate." ...
In the opening verse, he sets the tone by rhyming "Rockets, moon shots" with a call to "spend ... a joyous gospel tune that tells those children, "In the whole world you know there are a million boys ...