Adult: dark gray face and breast (slightly paler throat) contrasts sharply with bright yellow belly; these colors blend at sides of breast to form olive-green patches. Brown crown blends to olive ...
At the time, she was on the hunt for a yellow bellied flycatcher. Per the National Audubon, piratic flycatchers are strongly migratory, nesting as far north as northeastern Mexico but vacating all ...
There are a few birds that are very common but not commonly seen. In other words, these birds are found in good numbers all across our region but you just don’t see them. One good example of ...
Adult: gray and yellow areas of underparts fairly bright, with abrupt gray-yellow contrast on breast. Outer pairs of tail feathers extensively rufous on inner webs; dark shaft stripes and rufous ...
Suffolk County: An olive-sided flycatcher, a yellow-bellied flycatcher, a Philadelphia vireo, a mourning warbler, and a late dark-eyed junco on the Winthrop Greenway, a red-shouldered hawk and two ...
The Center for Biological Diversity sued the U.S. Bureau of Land Management and Fish and Wildlife Service today for failing to protect the endangered Southwestern willow flycatcher, threatened ...