"Snow White" is a musical reimagining of Disney's classic 1937 film. Zegler stars in the film alongside "Wonder Woman" actress Gal Gadot, who will portray the Evil Queen. The official trailer for the ...
"Global companies want to make a statement about attracting the best talent while also making no bones about having a woman at the top positions," said business and brand-strategy specialist Harish ...
A man accused of setting a woman on fire inside a New York City subway train and then watching her die after she was engulfed in flames was arraigned Tuesday. Sebastian Zapeta, 33, was arrested on ...
A woman has died after being set on fire in New York City's subway, police say, and a person of interest is in custody. New York City police announced on Sunday, local time, that they have ...
Summer Walker‘s “Heart of a Woman” is the only thing keeping her from taking drastic measures against a cheating partner, at least at first, in her new video. On Monday, the R&B star ...
Most of the time, the people leading the charge are other women in woman-dominated online spaces, which have been insidiously weaponized and manipulated without those participating even realizing it.
Police have launched a murder investigation after a woman was set on fire while on a subway train in New York. Detectives say the woman was discovered at around 7.30am local time on Sunday after ...
Of those, only four selected a woman to become head of state or government, according to CNN’s analysis of International Foundation for Electoral Systems data. While the US had the opportunity ...
Patrolling cops smelled and saw the smoke, then found the flame-covered woman, the commissioner said. They extinguished the blaze, but the woman died at the scene. Horrifying video obtained by The ...
A woman has drowned at a beach on the NSW South Coast, despite the frantic efforts of a teenage surf lifesaver to help her. The 66-year-old woman was pulled from the surf unconscious at Werri ...
The scam began when the retiree received a Facebook friend request from a woman who called herself Nish Williams. Listen to Story Scammers posed as a London-based woman with Indian roots on Facebook ...