The celestial spheres have ganged up to throw us deer hunters an astronomical curve ball this year, skewing the methodology ...
Columnist Oak Duke draws on 50 years of data to observe the time when bucks are most active chasing doe each fall. Here's how ...
Hunters in Virginia reported harvesting 1,423 wild turkeys, 2,702 black bears and 205,759 white-tailed deer during the ...
The board of directors for the Pope and Young Club agreed to some changes to the minimum score required for whitetails in the nontypical category.
There are so many good rifles for whitetail and mule deer that it would be a shame to carry just one over your hunting career. And the list of good options has grown significantly in the last year ...
What can be done about the deer congregating in Hawley? Here's what readers and the Pennsylvania Game Commission have to say.
White-tailed deer hunting continues to be popular all around the Buckeye State. Sportsmen tagged 238,137 bucks and does during this year’s seasons, which closed with the popular archery campaign ...
Despite bouts of extreme weather the harvest during Kentucky’s 2024 white-tailed deer season reached a five year high, and was the second-highest harvest on record. The 136-day 2024 season ended ...
Each instance has been a rare window into a part of whitetail buck behavior many hunters never see. The Basics of Deer Bedding Behavior The vast majority of the deer we see are on their feet ...
A dozen endangered brush-tailed rock wallabies have been flown by helicopter to a sanctuary in the Warrumbungle National Park. The space provides protection from feral cats, foxes, and goats ...
Veterinarians in the province are no longer permitted to dock a dog's tail. An overwhelming majority of Manitoba Veterinary Medical Association members voted to axe the controversial practice ...