"Interfor retained whitebark pine trees, avoided scarring them and preserved the species' natural seed bank," stated Keith ...
An investigation into special management practices on a cutblock near Grand Forks has relieved a logging company of ...
The qualities of the white pine made it a staple for ... making for tall thin trees without understory branches, something beneficial in the event of a fire. If surface fires were to occur, the bark ...
Altadena residents and arborists are sounding the alarm about protecting the town’s trees as crews get set to begin phase two ...
The female will produce a clutch of 3 to 4 white eggs and will lay them directly on a layer of fresh wood chips at the bottom of the newly excavated nest cavity. Both birds will take turns incubating ...
Eastern white pine is a very handsome tree widely used for landscaping, windbreaks and visual barriers. It can be hard to ...
The recent blowdown in northern Minnesota caused major damage to state lands, as well as private forest lands. While landowners are not required to clean up downed trees and debris, the Department ...
Shotguns, chainsaws, and viral video. Welcome to one of the wildest hunting tales ever to spill from the deep woods.
Traveling along the Tea Horse Road unlocks a land of teahouses, centuries-old monasteries, and epic valley views.
The beauty of Door County’s landscape owes thanks to the variety of trees growing here. Many are native, while others have ...
Fungus gnats and scale insects are two pesky insects commonly found on plants this time of year. K-State horticulture expert Cynthia Domenghini outlines what to look for.
Though sightings in Colorado are rare, these animals are crucial to the ecosystem as they help control populations of small ...