Newark Advocate history columnist Doug Stout of the Licking County Library continues Staff Sgt. Robert "Bob" Hickman's story of survival in World War II.
If you're ever in need of an example that's befitting of the phrase, "Don't fix something that ain't broken," look no further than the developers and the think tank at Activision, Raven Software and ...
The Mexican free-tailed bat, which roosts under our freeways and in caves, even shows up on radars during their evening mass ...
In the summer of 2022, a married couple, John and Rita Reed’s collection of letters, personal and military diaries and ...
His 10 days at Iwo Jima were a “terrible, terrible experience with dead people everywhere,” he told Stars and Stripes in a ...
In the 80 years since the U.S. attacks on Japan, no other country has used a nuclear weapon in war. That remarkable record could soon be broken and all progress lost.
The Imperial War Museum was evacuated after a man brought in WWII military items. Police were called to the London landmark around 2.20pm to reports that a man had brought in “suspected ordnance”.
Because of the atomic bombings and Japan's surrender a month later, the firebombing of Tokyo is often overlooked in history.
1. All guns are always loaded. Even if they are not, treat them as if they are! 2. Never let the muzzle cover anything you ...
Perhaps most importantly, Germany developed gas centrifuges, which are more efficient than calutrons and gaseous diffusion ...
Reading all the news in my temporary flat at Cambridtge University, where my wife is on a year’s sabbatical leave, I’m able ...
Syrian sources said the raids struck three former Syrian army assets, a radar station north of the city, weapons depot and a berth near Syria's Mediterranean port of Tartous, which is a driving ...