The Company may from time to time make written or oral "forward-looking statements" including statements contained in this report and in other communications by the Company, which are made in good ...
We sell different types of products and services to both investment professionals and individual investors. These products and services are usually sold through license agreements or subscriptions ...
Military time, also known as the 24-hour clock, is a system the military uses to eliminate confusion between morning and afternoon hours, since the armed forces are in operation around the clock.
“Sh-t,” says Hamilton to no one in particular. “I’m nervous.” Soon enough, however, the seven-time Formula One world champion overcomes his anxiety and is standing face-to-face with a ...
“By the time she was married to Tom, people in America didn’t understand Nicole had a whole career in Australia that was revered,” Campion recalls. “They just thought she was riding on his ...
We should maintain the leap second. It is the basic link between UT1 (essentially mean solar time) and atomic clock time, also called international atomic time (TAI). Their combination ...
Next, we set the time of observation. For a ground-based observer, you will need to provide SuperNOVAS with the UT1 - UTC time difference (a.k.a. DUT1), and the current leap seconds. Let's assume 37 ...