Tennessee IT specialist Bradley Dawson gets life in prison for the murder of pharmacist wife Christe Chen on their honeymoon at an exclusive private island resort in Fiji.
A sea turtle that found itself stranded more than a mile from the ocean in November finally made its way back home.
A sea turtle that found itself stranded more than a mile from the ocean in November finally made its way back home.
Trump says he and Putin have agreed to begin 'negotiations' on ending Ukraine war ...
Norris Lake, located just north of Knoxville, is one of the most popular lakes in Tennessee thanks to its wide variety of recreation opportunities and the striking green hue of its waters.
The only place on Earth where the “Stones River Bladderpod” can be found is on the East Fork of the Stones River in Rutherford County.
The discovery of over 1,100 dead turtles on a beach in Tamil Nadu, India, has greatly alarmed environmentalists. The causes ...
CHENNAI: In the aftermath of the mass Olive Ridley turtle deaths at the beginning of this year’s nesting season, the meeting ...
Sea turtles are capable of creating GPS-like magnetic maps to guide them back to foraging grounds, and they do a little dance ...