The film covers themes of belonging, identity and the struggle of trying to straddle different cultural worlds.
New Orleans rapper Mac Phipps, the lyrical giant of No Limit Records, plays a Lundi Gras show at the Dew Drop Inn. The music ...
The Oscars have a history of controversial decisions, often snubbing deserving performances and films. Notable examples ...
Harrison Ford has earned over $100 million from the Indiana Jones franchise across five films, excluding backend profits and ...
Then, at around 10:20 pm, Wilds moved up to the #8 spot, passing Elden Ring's 953,426. Cyberpunk 2077 is up next, but it's ...
A search that was supposed to end Sunday after one man was rescued from the Arkansas River continues Thursday night.
The highly anticipated release of Wildsoul is finally upon us. Lost Ark is one of the best and biggest MMORPGs on the market, ...
Smilegate brought Lost Ark down to begin the patching process for the Call of the Wildsoul update. According to the announcement, the downtime is expected to last about 18 hours and will introduce ...
Lost Ark's Call of the Wildsoul update is coming tomorrow, with the new specialist class, Wildsoul, and the huge Ark Passive ...
There are actors and then there are stars and then there’s Harrison Ford. The industry legend and king of deadpan humor ...
Lost Ark has a new character class coming next week, as you'll magically channel nature and animals for the new Wildsoul class ...
The Wildsoul class is a Specialist Advanced Class with three different forms/identities—the Bear, Fox, and Phantom Beast—each ...