Anyone using the main emergency department entrance on Bell Road will now be required to go through the detector and may be searched.
In his hand was a silver penny minted during the ... ruler in Britain was the pinnacle of decades of hunting with his metal detector in the fields and forests near his home in eastern England.
In his hand was a silver penny minted during the ... ruler in Britain was the pinnacle of decades of hunting with his metal detector in the fields and forests near his home in eastern England.
In his hand was a silver penny minted during the reign of Guthrum, a Viking commander who converted to Christianity and ruled eastern England in the ninth century as Athelstan II.
LONDON (AP) — When Malcolm Weale saw the tiny, dirt-covered object he’d unearthed in an English field, he knew it was something special. In his hand was a silver penny minted during the reign ...
A quick Depth Test of Garrett's newest metal detector! Will this detector be the latest must have for the metal detecting world? Watch the video and let me know in the comments what you think!