Penemuan resin di Raja Ampat merupakan temuan yang signifikan dan memberikan wawasan berharga tentang kemampuan adaptasi dan inovasi teknologi manusia purba di wilayah tersebut. Lebih banyak ...
Metode arkeologi tradisional, termasuk survei lapangan, membutuhkan banyak tenaga, biaya, dan waktu. Batasan-batasan ini membuat banyak potensi situs sejarah tidak terjamah. Namun, integrasi teknologi ...
Dalam konteks tersebut, BYD, selaku salah satu produsen kendaraan ramah lingkungan (New Energy Vehicle/NEV) terbesar di dunia, mulai mempertimbangkan untuk dapat memperluas portofolionya di Indonesia ...
The family-owned restaurant Ni Burmese will showcase a variety of traditional dishes from Myanmar, the Southeast Asian country formerly known as Burma. According to a news release, Ni Burmese held ...
Winner of three well-deserved prizes at last year’s Tokyo International Film Festival, including best picture, Daihachi Yoshida’s “Teki Cometh” (scripted by the director from a 1998 novel ...
According to IDR, these results indicate an easing of pay pressures and a potential downward trend in awards as the increase in employers’ NI costs take effect. More than two in five (43%) of pay ...
The projection from the NI Statistics and Research Agency says the population will start falling due to a low birth rate. It suggests that by 2031 there will be more annual deaths than births and ...
Elinor Farquhar, who is in her 80s and lives in Dungannon, told BBC News NI that "just keeping warm" is the hardest part of being without power. "I have circulation problems and hands and feet are ...
"I just heard a big bang and my heart sank," she told BBC News NI. "We have had a tree through our conservatory, we've had our car damaged and our roof damaged twice." The house next to Mrs Greer ...
Hal ini disampaikannya saat memberi sambutan pada acara Kongres Perkumpulan Ahli Arkeologi Indonesia (IAAI) dan Seminar Nasional Arkeologi di Yogyakarta, Senin (3/2). Lestari mengatakan sudah saatnya ...