Kromosom adalah struktur pembawa materi genetik dalam sel. Pelajari pengertian, struktur, dan fungsi penting kromosom bagi tubuh manusia.
RNA adalah senyawa kompleks dengan berat molekul tinggi. Simak struktur, jenis-jenis, dan perbedaannya dengan DNA.
Pelajari fungsi asam nukleat yang vital bagi kehidupan sel, termasuk perannya dalam menyimpan informasi genetik, sintesis protein, dan regulasi ekspresi gen.
Perkembangan teknologi dan ilmu pengetahuan yang ada saat ini memungkinkan manusia untuk mendeteksi struktur lapisan bumi. Adapun urutan lapisan bumi ialah kerak, mantel, inti luar, dan inti dalam.
Lawyer Ferdinand Topacio, legal counsel of Cassandra Li Ong, on Monday filed a complaint seeking the expulsion of Laguna Representative Dan Fernandez for alleged conduct that is unbecoming of a member ...
The good news? Dan Snyder continues to be the former owner of the franchise. Maybe you missed it: amid the excitement over the Commanders’ first appearance in an NFC Championship game since 1992, ESPN ...
Dan Quinn sat before dozens of reporters in the Commanders’ auditorium wearing a suit and a broad smile as he explained why becoming the coach of Washington’s beleaguered NFL franchise was the ...
DANCING On Ice fans have 'worked out' why Dan Edgar keeps getting high judges' scores. Towie cast member Dan, 34, is paired up with pro skater Vanessa James on the ITV show. This week's episode ...
Commanders head coach Dan Quinn can join some elite company in NFL history if he leads his team to a win in the NFC Championship Game today. A victory in Philadelphia would get Quinn to his second ...
The Commanders have been perhaps the biggest feel-good redemption story in the NFL this season, but ousted former owner Dan Snyder isn’t feeling good or particularly redeemed over Washington’s ...
ESPN’s Don Van Natta Jr. and Seth Wickersham released a deeply reported profile of Dan Snyder’s life in NFL exile and found just what it’s like for the team’s deposed chairman to watch his ...