Architecture buffs will want to set aside some time to see the Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph, a large Roman Catholic Church located in downtown San Jose. This structure is actually the fifth ...
For many of you, it’s mass before presents. That’s why on this Christmas Eve; we found a massive crowd at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Penfield. READ MORE ...
The group that rescued the historic St. Joseph’s Church in Bethlehem from oblivion says repairing the building’s slate roof to prevent further water damage is the top priority of its ...
The AG’s lawyers point out that the hospital’s motion to dismiss did not dispute that hospitals are required to provide ...
Instead of providing the necessary emergency services, St. Joseph staff discharged a still-hemorrhaging Nusslock with ...
More than 600 people signed up for St Joseph’s Medical Center’s 16th Run/Walk for Wellness, exceeding the cancer institute ...