Plyometric exercises are great for building explosive strength and speed, which are crucial for agility in squash. Adding exercises like jump squats, box jumps, and lunge jumps to your training ...
A winter classic, butternut squash soup stands out for its vibrancy, nutritional benefits and rich flavour – a splendid choice for warming up the family at dinner. Mary Berry, the culinary queen ...
India's top squash players have earned nominations for the prestigious TOISA 2024 awards. The nominees, including Velavan Senthilkumar, Abhay Singh, Akanksha Salunkhe, Anjali Semwal, and Anahat ...
Court sprints are rapid-fire dashes across the squash court. From one end, you sprint to the front wall and back, repeating the process as fast as possible for a set number of reps. This drill ...