For a second time since City Hall bought the former Cartus Corp. campus with plans to open a new 1,400-student school, Danbury will appeal for zoning breaks.
Officials say that residents argue there’s an abrupt change in the speed limits, making it difficult for drivers to slow down.
Virginia Beach has joined the growing list of localities across Hampton Roads and Virginia to implement speed cameras in ...
Getting stuck in the same old routine is the enemy of making new memories. In a bid to abate time’s relentless pace, Helen ...
The Shreveport City Council is looking at the possibility of installing cameras at 12 locations, including Pines Road and Jewella Avenue.
The Nevada State Police's Highway Patrol Division has teamed up with local law enforcement for the Joining Forces Speed ...
In the debate over what to do with school zone speed cameras popping up all over Georgia, the state House of Representatives has approved two solutions to the same problem.
The Loveland Police Department has started using mobile radar equipment to help slow drivers down near problem areas. In just ...
Some Georgia lawmakers are trying to get rid of automated cameras that enforce school zone speed limits, saying the cameras ...
“When we have the cameras set up in the school zones, people will know that the cameras are there and that they need to slow ...
INDOT plans to install school zone signs with flashers in front of Burge Terrace Baptist Church and school on Brookville Road ...
Signage marking the Washington headquarters of the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the consumer watchdog in the Trump administration's crosshairs, came down overnight, according to a ...