In the 18th and 19th centuries, the British Empire, with its naval might, ensured its dominance over crucial maritime ...
The cards in the One Piece Card Game each feature a numbered Devil Fruit symbol, but what does it mean? Come with us as we ...
If you're an insufferable nerd of a certain age (like me), you probably have a strong, likely even hostile opinion about ...
Wolfsburg is Germany's answer to mid-20th Century Detroit - not so much a city with a car factory as a factory with a city that has grown up around it. Some 60,000 people from across the region work ...
Some of the most beloved movies and best TV shows of all time happen to star actors undergoing a career reboot. These outings ...
Former shooting editor Jim Carmichel chooses the double and autoloading shotguns he considers great American classics.
FIRST IN PLAYBOOK — Erin Harkey will be CEO of Americans For the Arts. She previously was commissioner of the Department of ...
Pathfinder 1, bankrolled by a Google billionaire, is an attempt to revive the airship. A century after terrifying disasters, ...
The U.S. military’s recruiting troubles came just as it was attempting a fundamental shift in its mission. For decades, the ...
This is the twelvth part in a series about riding night trains across Europe and the Near East to Armenia—to spend time in ...