An Orcas Island resident said a loud boom sounded like a tree had hit their home after a 4.5 magnitude earthquake hit the area.
The new study reveals that the African plate and the Pacific plate have different chemical compositions and ages, parting ways with the old study, which proposed they are both similar in composition.
Unusual ocean events like the surfacing of oarfish, mass whale strandings, and anglerfish near shore indicate potential ...
Most people don't know that an ancient hidden hotspot created the Great Lakes and that it existed centuries before North ...
The head of Cuba's Seismological Service, Enrique Diego Arango, issued a warning this Sunday emphasizing the critical need ...
The power of social media was on full display as rumors spread rapidly from Twitter to more prominent news sources.
Jakarta is one of the largest cities in the world and one of the most earthquake-prone. It is located within the Pacific Ring ...