Several groups are pushing lawmakers to toughen gun laws in Georgia, especially after last year's school shooting at ...
ATLANTA — Six Georgia Democrats proposed a way to encourage safe gun storage in the state by providing a tax credit. According to the text of House Bill 2, state representatives want the Safe ...
You’ll probably buy a lot of guns in your life, but you’ll only buy a few gun safes. That’s why it pays to do some research to find the right gun safe for you. There are a lot of common-sense reasons ...
Investigators believe that given what was stolen from the home, these thieves knew what they were looking for.
Safe storage can mean the difference between life and death, but not all gun owners take the necessary precautions. According to Everytown, in 2023, there were 360 unintentional shootings by children ...
Related: Safe Homes, Safe Schools Law to inform parents on secure gun storage laws The law reads: If the minor discharges the ...
Like any lock or safe, a determined and knowledgeable thief can defeat a purpose-built car gun safe. After that, it’s police ...
Long before Mr. Trump rose to power, Mr. Tsien said he had been taught that a safe and stable society could fall apart at any time — and that owning guns might prove necessary. Trends in gun ...
Soldiers-of-fortune are back in force—manning Ukraine’s front lines, filling Gulf monarchies’ barracks and fighting Africa’s civil wars. Colombia, racked by decades of conflict, is a top ...
Languages: English. Government agencies across the United States periodically auction firearms, offering licensed gun dealers an opportunity to purchase surplus and seized weapons. GovDeals ...
We all have things we want to protect from floods, fires, and thieves. A home safe can keep your valuables out of harm’s way. But, if you choose poorly, all they’ll provide is the illusion of security ...
A gun oil that doesn’t break down over time is a good option here. You might have a couple of guns that get used regularly. Others may only come out of the safe during certain hunting seasons.