Human evolution has revolved around food, from identifying and foraging for it to growing and preparing it. Carnegie Mellon University researchers have identified a region in the brain's visual cortex ...
Students use Brain Facts, a publication of the Society for Neuroscience, to prepare for the competition. The first round ...
Building on more than two decades of research, a study by MIT neuroscientists at The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory reports a new way to treat pathology and symptoms of fragile X syndrome, ...
Every day, our brain makes thousands of decisions, big and small. Any of these decisions - from the least consequential such ...
Experts from Yale University have uncovered a new, concerning condition linked to the COVID-19 vaccines. Dubbed ...
Uncover the real impact of brain supplements on memory focus and mental clarity Explore science-backed strategies for ...
These various tests are at different stages of validation – assuring they’re accurate across many different populations. And, for each protein, there are several different met ...
MIT neuroscientists have made a breakthrough in treating fragile X syndrome by leveraging a novel neurotransmitter signaling ...
Researchers have identified two distinct groups of neurons that help the brain evaluate risk and reward in decision-making.
Podcast: This episode explores whether children’s weaker selective attention is a hidden strength by addressing findings on attention, memory, and childhood learning.
Neuroscientists have discovered how the brain distinguishes between visual motion occurring in the external world from that caused by the observer moving through it. Known as the 'motion-source ...
Research in mice identifies brain circuitry that supports certain reward-based decisions.