Telegram has introduced a new update for its millions of users. The newly rolled-out features aim to reduce spam on the ...
With the rise of AI companions who serve as online friends or romantic interests, experts are questioning how the technology ...
A new app will force users to actually touch grass in an effort to reduce their most addictive phone habits. Launching on ...
An MP’s proposed Bill would instruct UK chief medical officers to publish advice for parents on the use of smartphones and ...
Young people support stricter rules on social media - A new study says many young people regret the amount of time spent on ...
Extensive social media use can decrease well-being. Interventions that promote abstinence or social learning were able to ...
This meta-analysis finds no evidence that social media abstinence boosts happiness or life satisfaction, highlighting gaps in ...
One of the most debated aspects of social media detox is whether a short-term or long-term break is more beneficial. The ...
World Teen Mental Wellness Day is on March 2, which is also the first day of Teen Tech Week. No surprise there, as the ...
Turning off the screens and spending time offline can help you foster better relationships IRL and improve mental health.
Content consumers also need to be more conscientious about who they follow and support. You should never take medical advice ...