Nasa launched the $488 million Spherex space telescope on Tuesday to map the entire sky and understand galaxy formation and ...
You are EARTH. Which makes you grounded, practical and dependable. You won’t take many risks, rather prefer a sure thing. For you, creation is a tangible proposition and materialistic pleasures ...
You are AIR. It is the marker of intellect and smart thinkers who can win any argument. Helping you analyse and find a solution to any dilemma. With a curious mind, you see the world through a ...
No more hiding. If you’ve kept your voice small out of fear of how others will perceive you, consider today a cosmic dare to step forward. Your industry, audience, and world need only the ...
Your home and inner world zone hums with the need for order, but this is no simple tidying spree. There are ghosts in the walls, old patterns, inherited tensions, and emotional dust collecting in ...
The secrets of your past, your present and your future are all in your horoscope chart. Give me your date and place of birth and you’ll be amazed at what I can tell you… get your personal ...
You need an audience, if you are typical of your birth sign, and with Venus, planet of love and relationships, so active in Gemini just now, you will have no trouble attracting one this week. That ...