TWO candidate forums have been scheduled to give voters the opportunity to hear from the people who want to represent them in federal Parliament.
The Magic Puzzle Company offers quite a few different options to choose from, each with its own distinct original art and story to tell. Here we've gathered up a few of our favorites from each ...
Fiecare echipă va avea de asamblat un puzzle de 500 de piese, într-un timp limitat de maximum 2 ore. Participanții de pe podium vor pleca acasă cu premii surpriză din partea sponsorului principal.
Alberta government ministers are as jumpy as scalded cats, fearful that the health contract scandal has spilled over to their departments. On Friday, it did. Investigative reporter Charles Rusnell ...
Participanții vor primi același puzzle de 500 de piese și vor avea la dispoziție ... pentru prima ediție”, au transmis reprezentanții Board Games Community Sibiu. Taxa de participare este de 30 de lei ...
Most local authorities in England are expected to increase council tax by the maximum allowed in April, research has revealed. Councils with responsibility for delivering social care can increase ...
Minister Jennifer Carroll MacNeill has said Ireland should double its spending on defence as she admitted Ireland needs to protect vital undersea cables and pipelines from threats such as those ...
Piecing together a puzzle is a great way to relax. Whether you enjoy the hobby on your own or with others, there's quite a few different formats to choose from these days, too. There are some ...
o tânără talentată din Sibiu, a reușit să cucerească juriul emisiunii „Românii au Talent”, obținând patru „DA”-uri vineri seară, cu un moment de dans contemporan emoționant. Înainte de a urca pe scenă ...
Welcome to The Daily Memphian’s game Word Flower. Known as Polygon in The Times U.K. and then popularized as Spelling Bee by The New York Times, Word Flower is a fun and challenging game people of all ...
Trei spectacole sunt programate in acest weekend, in cadrul celei de-a 11-a editii a proiectului Sibiu Opera Festival. Teatrul National de Opereta si Musical "Ion Dacian" Bucuresti vine la Sibiu cu ...