DH, one of the founders of the PS3 emulator RPCS3, is now working on an Android port. Interest in PS3 emulation on Android has been on the rise due to aPS3e, a legally dubious RPCS3 port using sto ...
For people who enjoy seeing improvements for emulation on Linux, and for Wayland support - the Playstation 2 Emulator PCSX2 has now enabled support for it by default. Earlier this month I shared the ...
Citron, the last actively developed Switch emulator on Android, just got a big update. It’s focused on stability and compatibility, including specific fixes for Samsung devices. Early testing ...
This guide demonstrates how to build PCSX2 in Linux environments. Note that the steps provided below may vary depending on the distribution - such variances are not officially supported by the PCSX2 ...
In this story, we’re taken on a journey through the PS2 emulator internals, going through known-exploitable PS2 games and learning about a prospective entry point. Circling around it ...