“Progressive” remains a nebulous enough term that the average voter won’t make any immediate historical connections to the phrase; the historical failures of socialism, meanwhile, are well ...
When the people of Washington State’s 43rd Legislative District elected to send me to the state capitol to represent them by ...
Yet, it still embraces the anchor of progressive socialism, which is weighing down its ship. This is concurrent with constitutional conservatives putting several torpedoes into its ship.
After four years, our long national nightmare is now over. America’s experiment with progressive socialism is now over. Let’s never repeat this error. Joe Biden ...
Unfortunately, progressive socialists view impeachment as a measure to correct when they do not get their way. As Barack Obama once quipped, "elections have consequences," but leftists cannot ...
“her administration would likely be the most socialist and destructive in our country’s history.” Haskins proceeds, stating that Biden was one of America’s most progressive presidents ...
China grew, incidentally, when it became less socialist and more capitalist ... is best served by a rejection of the progressive economic politics he favors. In the battle between the advocates ...
Politics “If Mr. Perschmann wants socialism, he should go experience it some where else!” – Crystal Quiring, Chaska (“Republicans made Obama do it? July 19). I don’t ...