How can you tell an RWB Porsche away from the rest ... Oh, and remember when I mentioned how big of a flex having two RWB Porsches is? Art's 993 is scheduled to be built by Nakai-San in Naples, ...
including all models such as the 964 and 993 in-between. Add HotCars to your Google News feed. The most recent Porsche RWB will modify is the 997, whose model range ran from 2004 to 2012.
So what does the founder of the RWB movement drive? The answer is this machine. A classic cabriolet model, the Spearmint Rhino car is, understandably, topless. It’s features the usual ultra-wide ...
Previously, RAUH-Welt RWB Porsches have been the sole domain of Japan, but here at this week's SEMA show in Las Vegas, the company has unveiled their two latest cars, both of which were ...