Last year, the African Union declared 2024 “The Year of Education.” This was a crucial call to action for African nations to accelerate their efforts towards ensuring quality education for all, as a ...
The Global Wildlife Program hosted its annual conference in Panama City, Panama from January 20-24, 2025. With over 100 participants, including government focal points from 30 of the GWP’s 38 ...
Daarbij krijgen patiënten de darmmicrobiota van een gezonde donor toegediend via hun poep. 'Wil het wel proberen' "Een vriendin had me erover getipt", vertelt Rinneke over het ontdekken van de ...
Like the country’s overall population, many U.S. religious groups have experienced a decline in the share of adults who identify as White, according to the 2023-24 Religious Landscape Study (RLS).
PSV is er woensdagavond niet in geslaagd als eerste halve finalist de finale van de KNVB Beker te bereiken. De Go Ahead Eagles speelden een ijzersterke eerste helft, waarin ze PSV al op een ...
Deze auto is extreem zeldzaam en extreem cool, maar niet extreem duur. Als je regelmatig auto-evenementen bezoekt heb je er wellicht wel eens eentje in het echt mogen bewonderen: een De Tomaso ...
High school students cheer for their seniors taking the annual college entrance exam outside a high School in Seoul. Source: Jung Yeon-je/AFP Link copied Everyone wants the best education, and they’re ...
The Passing out Parade of 12 naval officers who successfully completed Basic Orientation Course (Medical) was held at the main parade ground of the Naval and Maritime Academy (NMA), Trincomalee on ...
Such is the case with a hybrid microscope, born at the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL), that for the first time allows scientists to simultaneously image the full 3D orientation and position of ...
All incoming Bates students receive an extensive orientation upon arrival that will introduce you to campus and community, academics and life-at-Bates, and important information about higher education ...
Comprehensive Job Task Analysis completed in September validates the certification program and prompts release of an updated PMH-C blueprint The PMH-C creates a structure for professional ...