Just take your knee up. Touch the elbow. Now take the right leg ... Lengthen the spine. Take a Plank Pose. We're going to move into side plank. So the right hand on the floor.
Start on all fours with knees under hips, hands under shoulders, and spine neutral. (Level up by starting in a high plank position.) Bend elbows to lower forearms and chest to almost touch the mat.
Tired of stubborn belly fat? These seven daily exercises will help shrink your muffin top and tone your waistline.
Here are 8 execrises that can help boost your heart strength. Jumping jacks are a classic, dynamic exercise that starts in a simple stance: legs together and arms by your sides. The movement begins ...
Now, you can jump or walk back into Plank. Lower the knees ... Bend at the knee. And just take the right arm, bending at the elbow. Put it on the right leg. Left arm overhead.