A daycare worker is out on bond after she was charged with physically and sexually assaulting 12 preschoolers. Now, a thirteenth victim has come forward, filing a lawsuit accusing the same worker ...
Tyisha Fernandes joined Channel 2 Action News in November of 2014. She’s a Boston native, but has grown to love Southern life, especially Georgia. Atlanta is a market she only dreamed of working ...
We're getting ever close to the release of The Last of Us season 2, and anticipation is now sky high. While we still don't know the exact release date first the season's first episode, we do have ...
Valtio­neuvoston kanslia Puolustus­ministeriö Liikenne- ja viestintä­ministeriö Ulko­ministeriö Valtio­varain­ministeriö Työ- ja elinkeino­ministeriö Oikeus­ministeriö Opetus- ja kulttuuri­ministeriö ...
Previously, Bloomberg had reported that a new Apple TV model would be released in early 2024 with a faster chip, but such rumors didn’t come to fruition. However, Apple TV rumors are back on the ...
Ruotsin ja Latvian välinen merikaapeli on vaurioitunut sunnuntaina aamulla, kertoo Latvian yleisradio LSM. Vaurio tapahtui Latvian Ventspilsin kaupungin ja Gotlannin välillä. LSM:n mukaan vaurion ...
There's nothing worse than having to constantly buy individual movies and TV shows on YouTube or Amazon, it's costly and an inconvenient way to consume your favourite screen content. The alternative ...
Yellowstone has been a fun show, but one of its greatest legacies might be its prequel spin-off series — we can't help but fall head over heels for a good historical drama, and Yellowstone has ...
YouTube TV is the king of live-streaming video for good reason. With roughly twice as many subscribers as its next competitor in the live streaming arena, it’s made huge gains delivering a great ...
We've been getting creative with the best logo makers for branding your business online. It's difficult to understate the importance of good logo design - it's the quickest way for customers and ...
After taking over the Oval Office for the second time on Monday, US President Donald Trump unveiled the new website of The White House, which showcased the new administration's plans including ...