Once you've amended the nitrogen levels of your soil, you can also take steps to make sure your garden doesn't have a nitrogen deficiency in the future. You can do this by adding mulch (or other ...
Nitrogen is often the most limiting nutrient in growing plants. When deficient, plant yields and quality are reduced. However ...
While synthetic fertilizers are commonly used for this purpose, there are several natural and sustainable methods to increase soil nitrogen levels. Here are some effective ways to add nitrogen to ...
But actually, carbon levels in the soil didn't change ... rate about 70% higher in the longer-rotation soil samples, researchers found. Heightened nitrogen availability in the diversified cropping ...
The Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy has been updated to reflect increased access to data and new practices, including a ...
A recent study from the University of Illinois shows that gene-edited bacteria can supply the equivalent of 35 pounds of nitrogen from the air during early corn growth, which may ...
Try not to deplete soil potassium levels. “While potassium doesn’t have as direct of a yield response as nitrogen, it impacts standability, water management and disease resistance,” Ferrie says.
But actually, carbon levels in the soil didn't change ... rate about 70% higher in the longer-rotation soil samples, researchers found. Heightened nitrogen availability in the diversified cropping ...
Longer more diverse rotations of crops fertilized with livestock manure have many environmental benefits, but carbon ...
“The trade-off between carbon accrual and nitrogen supply is important,” Huang said. “In a diversified cropping system, there’s more carbon input. So we have figured there would be more carbon stored ...