Researchers hope a pilot project that monitors the heart rate of baby seals will help them understand how the pups prepare for life in harsh conditions.
John Brooks was set to be drafted into the Army during the Vietnam War, but he had his sights set on becoming a Navy Frogman.
You can quickly ruin a relaxing beach day by stepping on a marine animal washed up on shore. Watch out for these creatures if ...
David Alpert, an award-winning underwater and wildlife photographer, as well as Co-Founder and Managing Director of the ...
What secrets do grey seals hold about surviving the coldest months? Watch as we uncover their incredible survival tactics and ...
The scientists ventured into the ocean for research purposes. Upon spotting the majestic whale, they approached it by boat to ...
Six Vashon youth clubs released a statement against efforts to ban trans women from women’s sports. Six youth sports clubs on ...
Every year, the New York National Guard sends soldiers and airmen to Brazil's jungle warfare school, one of the world's ...
For years, Navy SEALS have trained in sewage-contaminated water, but exactly how it’s impacted the health of members have ...
Creative depictions of cold water swimming show how writers' insights can advance knowledge of the senses hardest to describe ...
Life’s a beach - especially when you have it all to yourself. Discover our favourite secret beaches in the UK and, most ...
Turkish authorities have sealed off a luxury spa run by a five-star Istanbul hotel that was set up by illegally modifying a 1 ...