A changed landscape in Botswana's Mababe Depression is now a hot spot for wildlife year-round.
Learn about water-based safaris and their unique advantages, as well as seven places travelers can go to have a water-based ...
If you’re still deciding between different African safari destinations, Tanzania is the best choice for most travelers. With the highest wildlife density, world-renowned parks, fewer crowds, and rich ...
Beyond the delta, Botswana boasts other protected areas like the Chobe National Park ... has established wildlife corridors to facilitate animal movement and reduce human-wildlife conflict.
It was late November and Zambia was still waiting for the rains. The air was hot, the earth a dried husk, the delicate, feathered heads of papyrus motionless under a dazzling blue sky. I’d just come ...
That’s the opening shot of a 30-second ad for BrushBuck Tours, a Jackson-based business offering year-round wildlife tours in ...
The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands will hold its 15th Conference of the Parties (COP 15) in Victoria Falls this year, hosted by Zimbabwe.
South AFrican Army soldiers on border protection duties had it relatively quiet in January as far as putting the brakes on illegal immigration but had their hands full confiscating contraband and ...
Government on Friday lifted an eight-day import ban on key grains such as maize and wheat, after investigations noted that the plant disease that provoked the decision is largely transmitted through ...
Loggers are scaring away the animals. He can’t fish on the river ... an expert on the Dobe Kung of Botswana. No one eats meat all that often, except in the Arctic, where Inuit and other groups ...