myrrh and cinnamon. We also identified degraded animal fats used in the mummification process; the human remains themselves; and both synthetic pesticides and benign plant-based pest oils that had ...
A unique opportunity to test ancient Egyptian perfumes is underway in an exhibition at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo’s Tahrir ...
A new, first-of-its-kind analysis of the scents of nine mummies detected woody, spicy, herbal and rancid notes, among other ...
Incorporate ancient Egyptian beauty rituals into your routine for natural skin and hair care. Discover timeless secrets for ...
The Malabathrinum papyrus (P.Vindob. G 35250, Herakleopolis/Middle Egypt, 5th century CE) contains a recipe for an eye ...
With help from some perfumers, we brought back smells such as 17th-century Amsterdam, with its canals and linden trees. As a ...
IF we knew then what we know now....The old adage is especially true of antiques as we kick ourselves for throwing out family ...
myrrh and cinnamon. We also identified degraded animal fats used in the mummification process; the human remains themselves; and both synthetic pesticides and benign plant-based pest oils that had ...