Tiny plastic particles have been discovered in human brains, with higher amounts found in recent years compared to earlier ...
The default mode network (DMN) is a set of interconnected brain regions known to be most active when humans are awake but not ...
Millions of people across the UK are suffering from an incurable syndrome that gets worse at night - keeping millions of us ...
Plastics have infiltrated every recess of the planet, including your lungs, kidneys and other sensitive organs. Scientists ...
When Kate Walsh was wheeled into brain surgery in 2015, she had no idea if she'd wake up again. Suddenly, after playing a ...
A new study suggests that the average human brain may contain a surprising amount of plastic, with the findings raising concerns about the ...
The amount of microplastics in the human brain appears to be increasing over time: Concentrations rose by roughly 50 percent ...
They found that the concentrations of particles in kidney and liver samples were comparable, with an average of 433 ...
Essential fatty acids, such as omega 3s, are key to the strength and performance of the brain’s cells. Since the human body ...
Computer algorithms don’t require the same linearity or structure that the human brain usually does, so deciding the order or shape of chip components doesn’t matter to AI the same way it does ...
# get cuda version used to compile torch python -c "import torch; print(torch.version.cuda)" # and use this here conda install -c conda-forge cudatoolkit-dev=[torch ...
Surface based morphometry analysis was performed using CAT12 (Computational Anatomy Toolbox 2) software. The main steps included: (i) the individual spatial T1W was radiometrically aligned to MNI152 ...