A number of factors can increase your risk of prostate cancer, including an unhealthy diet and smoking, according to men's ...
Next month, members of the public will 'March For Men' at Bournemouth beach to raise funds and awareness for prostate cancer.
February is heart awareness month. Which provides a great opportunity to dive a bit deeper and look at the major factors that ...
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says coronary heart disease is the most common type of heart disease, which ...
Prostate cancer kills twice as many Black men as white men in the U.S. Beyoncé's father has signed onto a new $20 million ...
GREENVILLE, N.C. (WNCT) — February is Heart Health Awareness Month and medical professionals in Eastern N.C. are advising people on symptoms to look out for. “Symptoms can be very vague. They can ...
DELRAY BEACH, FLA — If you’ve ever heard of the Movember challenge, you probably know it’s a month-long effort typically in November to raise awareness for men’s health issues. This week ...
(WWLP)–February is recognized as American Heart Month, an annual campaign to learn about heart health awareness and heart ... leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States ...
Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in every racial group ... As part of National Heart Month in February, Intermountain Health is hosting a free heart fair on Friday ...
OGDEN — Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in every ... As part of National Heart Month in February, Intermountain Health is hosting a free heart fair on Friday ...
An annual global campaign that encourages men to grow moustaches and participate in various activities to raise awareness about men's health issues. Movember is an annual event that encourages men to ...
Men are less likely to seek help for mental health disorders, with women seeking support 1.6 times more often than men in a 12-month period across the United States. Additionally, men are 1.8 times ...