The story follows Matilda Wormwood, a brilliant young girl with a telekinetic gift, who is neglected by her self-absorbed parents. She finds refuge in her love of books and in her kind teacher, Miss ...
Let the Light In, Jenny Downham and Louis Hill’s YA novel of family grief, is so seamless you would never guess two pens are at work ...
To most people who long for stardom, Hollywood may seem like the ultimate dream. The allure of red carpets, commercial and ...
“Matilda” had everything going for it: it was based on a beloved Roald Dahl book and it had fun stars (including director ...
Best pregnancy books to discover all you need to know as a mum-to-be - There are lots of books out there that focus on ...
In her new book, Cho Nam-Joo captures both the universality of sexism and the specificity of women’s experiences. When I was young and adrift, Thomas Mann’s novel gave me a sense of purpose.
Your TBR list is getting longer... The simple joy of reading a book can inspire so much. While we’re turning their pages, we use our imaginations to live inside entire worlds with its characters.
Looking for a book recommendation? The "GMA" Book Club library is filled with bestselling picks, from novels that transported us to far off places, to characters which have made us see the world in a ...
Even in the 21st-century digital age, books haven’t lost their importance; they are still a reliable source for gathering information. Although we can now carry thousands of e-books on mobile devices ...
China is experiencing a significant rise in cases of human metapneumovirus (HMPV), a respiratory virus causing symptoms similar to the common cold or influenza. The outbreak has sparked concerns ...