Researchers would like to see more study on how stress, the economy and attitudes toward medicine influence the well-being ...
Women, on average, live longer lives than men—yet a new research survey finds men are more confident in their chances of living a long life.
A new study led by researchers from Oxford Population Health has shown that a range of environmental factors, including lifestyle (smoking and physical activity), and living conditions, have a greater ...
Original article source: One man knows secrets of living a long, healthy life and it's all about one activity ...
Life expectancy for men lags five years behind life expectancy for women in the U.S. Some researchers and doctors say greater attention to men's health could bridge the gap.
The idea of marriage and situation-ships has greatly evolved over the years. It was one man and one woman, but today things seem to have shifted with the ideas around relationships constantly ...
Human height has been evolving over the past century, with both men and women getting taller and heavier across the spectrum.
Even so, men don’t fret as much about their bodies and if they change their lifestyle (diet and exercise) it’s more often to improve their health, rather than their appearance. Women not only ...